About Us
Amber Connection is passion, art, & people
It started in 2004 with an idea and love for baltic amber. Urszula Abolik created a company and a small store selling her favorite jewelry pieces. From the small store, the place grew into a space where people could not only shop but have some coffee, a glass of wine, connect, learn, dance... Amber Connection is now a store/boutique where you can find a lot of unique amber pieces, hand made clothes designed by Urszula, paintings, dance tango, or take a workshop.

At Amber Connection... you can find the most unique baltic amber pieces - necklaces, bracelets, rings, baby items, health, and healing products...we also have hand made jackets, sweater, and tunics made from antic fabrics and found objects:) there is nonstop art on display - local and nonlocal artists. We offer different workshops and healing sessions...from "Find your power animal" to "Create your unique perfume with natural oils"...We dance here - mostly Argentinian tango (but I do not recommend it, it is very addictive) ...
At Amber Connection, you can share your passion, come and teach or take a class, buy art, support art, display your art, or learn a new thing and meet a friend.
If you need to talk, come, if you need to buy a gift, come, if you need to share your dance, come!!!
We also Travel THE WORLD!!!!!!